Client Forms and Resources

Bankruptcy Forms

Quick Questionnaire (for initial interview) (2-Pages) 
Full Questionnaire (31 pages)

Divorce Mediation Forms

Invitation to Mediate Letter
Client Questionnaire
Checklist of Forms and Procedures to File your Divorce Yourself
Checklist of Common Issues for Temporary Support, Custody, Visitation
Checklist of Common Issues for Final Separation Agreement
Agreement to Mediate (Since confidentiality arises only after a written agreement is signed, it is very important that this form be signed at the first or earliest possible mediation session)
Joint Petition for Divorce
R-408 Vital Statistics Form
Affidavit of Irretrievable Breakdown
Child Support Guidelines Worksheet (calculates)
(Click here for Mike Tremblay’s savable Child Support Calculator)
(Click here for the full narrative Child Support Guidelines for completion instructions)
Affidavit Disclosing Prior Care or Custody Proceedings
Probate Court Financial Statement (Short Form) (less than $75,000 annual income)
(Must be printed on Pink paper)
(Click here for an Excel version if you are savvy with spreadsheets)
(Click here for instructions to help complete this form)
Probate Court Financial Statement (Long Form) $75,000 annual income or more)
(Click Here for Schedule A) if you have Self-Employment income
(Click Here for Schedule B) if you have Rental income
(This form is a “fillable” .pdf form, you can fill in the blanks before you print it out)
(Must be printed on Pink paper)

(Click here for an Excel version if you are savvy with spreadsheets)
(Click here for instructions to help complete this form)
Request for Hearing Assignment (“Mark-Up” Form)
Parent Education Programs  (You must arrange on your own to attend this 5-hour course, and file your certificate of completion with the Court)


Other Resources

Massachusetts Probate Forms
Rule 410 – Mandatory Disclosure of Financial Information in Divorce Case
Rule 411 – Automatic Freeze on Asset transfers
Massachusetts Statute on Alimony and Division of Marital Property
Massachusetts Statute on Child Custody
Massachusetts Statute on Mediation Confidentiality
Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation Standards of Practice
Health Care Advocates
Health Care for All
Massachusetts Health Connector
Current Probate Court Filing Fees
“Before Going to Court” instruction pamphlet
“Before Asking for Help” pamphlet on services available at Probate Court
“Planning for Shared Parenting — A Guide for Parents Living Apart”
How to Find the Right Courthouse
How to Contact the Registry of Probate
Where to find a public Law Library for more information

Good Sites with helpful Legal Research Capabilities and Links:

Trial Court Law Libraries Site of Useful Resources
Social Law Library
Cornell University Legal Information Institute

Specific Legal Research Resources:

Massachusetts General Laws
Massachusetts Session Laws
Massachusetts Laws and Legal Information

Disclaimer – Please note: The purpose of providing these forms and other resources is not to provide legal advice. Please consult with an attorney to see whether they are appropriate for your particular circumstances.